2025 Holiday Schedule
In observance of these holidays, Waste Pro will not be collecting solid waste and recycling.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Florida Emancipation Day (May 20)
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
For the remainder of the week, service will occur the next day.
- Monday moves to Tuesday
- Tuesday moves to Wednesday
- Wednesday moves to Thursday
- Thursday moves to Friday
- Friday moves to Saturday
For all other holidays, there will be no service interruptions.
Welcome, Residents
Waste Pro is a company dedicated to building exceptional resource ecosystems that protect the environment and sustain our communities. Our company was founded in 2001 with three key objectives: to deliver excellent service, maximize recycling and establish cost savings for our customers—and those principles continue to underpin our business today.We are one of the fastest-growing waste management companies in the southern United States with an established network of industry professionals who are able to design and deliver complete waste management services that work regardless of location or waste type.This means we are able to offer local expertise, conduct on-site training, and carry out specialized services.
Click here for the residential customer guide.
Haga clic aquí para obtener la guía para clientes residenciales – En Español
Waste Pro Collection and Service Improvements
1. I have questions or concerns; how do I get help?
All requests for service or billing issues, customers should first reach Waste Pro at 850-606-1899 or by visiting www.wasteprousa.com/leon-county/
For any unresolved Waste Pro concerns, Leon County stands ready to ready to assist at 850-606-1800 or online at www.LeonCountyFL.gov/SolidWaste
For more information on your service schedule, CLICK HERE.
2. If I choose not to subscribe, what options do I have for waste disposal?
If you choose not to subscribe, the County operates four Rural Waste Service Centers at no cost to unincorporated residents. You can responsibly dispose of garbage, yard waste, recycling, and bulky items at these centers located conveniently across the County. Visit www.LeonCountyFL.gov/RWSC to learn more.
3. When will my curbside service occur?
Under the new contract, you’ll keep your same waste collection day with the addition of regular bulky item pickup. For bulky items at the curb, they will be removed within three business days. Therefore, your regular garbage and recycling may be picked up on your service day, but bulky items may remain for a time. If four days or more have passed and the items still remain, give Waste Pro a call at 850-606-1899.
To check your service day, you can always contact Waste Pro at 850-606-1899 or WasteProUSA.com/Leon-County.
4. What can I expect with yard debris collection?
Yard debris collection will continue to occur on your regularly schedule service day, but with a few changes. To start, Waste Pro will collect yard debris in brown paper bags or containers. However, to save on labor costs and pass those savings along to the customer, plastic bags cannot be used for yard debris—in short, plastic bags cannot go into the waste stream, are labor intensive to open for collection, and are generally bad for the environment.
Under the new contract, customers can put out eight cubic yards of yard debris in piles per week. To help visualize how much yard debris that actually is, picture 10 refrigerators lying down on their sides and end-to-end. To think of it another way, that’s about half a dump truck of yard debris you can put out each week. Now the piles you put out do have to be smaller than that dump truck size, so the County has made a visual aid to help.
If you need to put out more than eight cubic yards of yard debris, you have a couple options. You could divide the debris you put out to the curb over a few weeks. You could also call and arrange an additional pickup from Waste Pro for a fee of $35 a cubic yard. Lastly, you could bring your yard debris to the County’s Rural Waste Service Centers at no charge. Visit www.LeonCountyFL.gov/RWSC to learn more.
5. What is considered a bulky item?
Bulky items and white goods such as refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges, water heaters, furniture, mattresses, large pieces of carpet, and other large items that cannot go into the waste carts because it’s size or weight. Please note, each week you can leave two cubic yards at the curb for pickup. To help visualize that amount, a cubic yard is about one washing machine. Therefore, you can leave just about two washing machines worth of bulky item(s) at the curb each week.
Bulky material does not include electronics; such items can be brought to the County’s Household Hazardous Waste at no cost. Learn more at www.LeonCountyFL.gov/HHW
For more information on your service schedule CLICK HERE.

Residential household garbage is collected one (1) time per week.
Residential household recycling is collected one (1) time per week.
Residential household yard waste is collected one (1) time per week
Bulk waste should be placed on service days and collected within 2 business days.
For more information on your service schedule, CLICK HERE.
For a complete guide on Leon County Residential Collection, please click here. For Spanish, please click here.
All single family residents will receive a black 96 gallon garbage cart which will be serviced (1) one time per week. Smaller 65 carts are available upon request. Please place all household garbage in your cart and place the cart at curbside on collection day. Other guidelines to follow:
- Place your black 96-gallon garbage cart for collection within three (3) feet of the street by 6:00 a.m. on the scheduled pick up days. It is important to always have the cart facing the street (i.e. the handles are located on the cart side closest to you residence).
- Each black 96-gallon garbage cart is equipped with an easy open and close lid and wheels for easy movement to the curb.
- All garbage items placed in the carts should not extend above the rim of the cart.
- Garbage should only be placed in carts, as the trucks servings your waste are automated and cannot service alternative containers.
- For safety reasons for mirrors, glass table tops, window panes, plate-glass, etc., please wrap in several layers in newspaper or seal in a box before putting it in your household waste container.
- Used oil, paints, insecticides, chemicals, automotive parts, batteries, and tires are considered hazardous materials and will not be collected.
- Medical waste including hypodermic needles and syringes and hazardous waste will not be collected. For further disposal information please visit LeonCountyFL.gov/HHW.
If you experience a “missed pickup” on your collection day, or have any questions, please call the Waste Pro Customer Service Center at (850) 606-1899. Residents may also utilize the Waste Pro Trac-EZ contact form, located here. Trac-EZ will send the field supervisor a smart phone message and he/she will promptly address the missed pick-up. You will be able to follow/monitor the progress of you request on-line through Trac-EZ.
Reporting a problem to Waste Pro is an important first step to ensure the required service is provided. After contacting Waste Pro, if issues are not resolved to your satisfaction, please contact Leon County at 850-606-1800 or www.leoncounty.fl.gov/solidwaste to ensure services are delivered in accordance with standards.
For more information on your service schedule CLICK HERE.
For a complete guide on Leon County Residential Collection, please click here. For Spanish, please click here.
All single family residents will receive a 64-gallon green recycling cart which will be serviced (1) one time per week. Please place all household recyclables in your 64-gallon cart and place the cart at curbside on collection day.To avoid interruption with your curbside recycling collection service, the following rules should apply:
- Place your green 64-gallon recycle cart for collection within three (3) feet of the street by 6:00a.m. on the scheduled pick up days. It is important to always have the cart facing the street (i.e. the handles are located on the cart side closest to you residence.
- Each green 64-gallon recycle cart is equipped with an easy open and close lid and wheels for easy movement to the curb.
- For a list of recyclable items, please click here.
- All recyclable items can be commingled in the recycle cart. Please do not bag recyclable items, especially do not use plastic bags.
- Flatten or cut up all boxes so they can be placed inside your green recyclable container. Excess boxes may be picked up in bulk; however, they need to be broken down and stacked neatly away from containers.
- Newspapers must be placed loose in the recycling cart and not packed into a paper or plastic bag for collection.
- Do not put any items in the recycling cart that are not specified as part of the recycling program, otherwise the cart may not be collected. These items are: tires, styrofoam, hoses and shrink wrap.
If you experience a “missed pickup” on your collection day, or have any questions, please call the Waste Pro Customer Service Center at (850) 606-1899. Residents may also utilize the Waste Pro Trac-EZ contact form, located here. Trac-EZ will send the field supervisor a smartphone message, and he/she will promptly address the missed pick-up. You will be able to follow/monitor the progress of your request online through Trac-EZ.
For more information on your service schedule CLICK HERE.
Residential Bulk
Great news! You no longer need to call ahead for bulk item removal. Simply place the items at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on your service day, and they will be removed within two business days thereafter.
Bulk items are: empty white goods such as refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges, water heaters, furniture, mattresses, pieces of carpet, other bulky items that cannot go into the waste carts because of its size or weight.
Should you wish to dispose of bulk items yourself, you may deliver items to Marpan Recycling located at 6020 Woodville Highway, Tallahassee, FL. Fees will be charged by Marpan. If you have questions, please click here to visit the Marpan website.
Bulk Waste does NOT include electronics. Such items can be disposed of at the Leon County Household Hazardous Waste Center, 7550 Apalachee Parkway.
A maximum of 2 cubic yards can be placed for pickup each week. This is roughly equal to a washer and a dryer.
Other guidelines to follow:
- Place all items for collection within (3) three feet of the street, on the customer’s own property, by 6:00 am on the scheduled pick-up day to ensure pick-up.
- Bulk items must be placed curbside in a neat and orderly manner.
- Do not place bulk items or yard debris for collection next to a mailbox, utility pole or close to a fence.
- Bulk waste and yard waste materials must be generated by the resident at the residential unit where the bulk items are collected. Commercial materials (such as roofing material, tile, concrete, bricks, stones, etc.) generated by a contractor will not be removed.
- Commercial construction materials (roofing material, tile, concrete, bricks, stones, etc.), automotive parts, engines, transmissions, batteries, tires, used oil, paint, insecticides, chemicals and hazardous waste will not be collected.
Yard waste
Yard waste and debris will be picked up one (1) day per week on your regularly scheduled garbage day. Large piles of yard debris that are within the scope of service (no more than 8 cubic yards, 6 inches in diameter, and no single item over 50 lbs.) may require a grapple truck to be picked up. Place yard debris in an area that is clearly associated with account holder residence. Debris placed on vacant lots, across the street, or otherwise does not appear in proximity to the residence will not be serviced. Do not place piles near overhead obstructions such as low hanging tree limbs or power lines. Yard debris co-mingled with non-organic material will not be collected.
Vegetative yard debris may be set out to the curb in biodegradable bags or rigid containers. Yard debris may also be tied bundled or stacked in piles at curbside.
Loose items not containerized will not be collected. Loose items are to be placed in paper yard bags or owner containers. Plastic bags will NOT be collected.
Should you wish to dispose of bulk items yourself, you may deliver items to Marpan Recycling located at 6020 Woodville Highway, Tallahassee, FL. Fees will be charged by Marpan. If you have questions, please click here to visit the Marpan website.
A maximum of 2 cubic yards can be placed for pickup each week. This is roughly equal to a washer and dryer.
For more information on your service schedule, CLICK HERE.
Commercial waste will be collected in carts, mechanical dumpsters, open tops or compactors. Mechanical dumpsters are 2-, 4-, 6- or 8-cubic yards in size. Compactors and open tops come in sizes 20, 30, and 40 cubic yards. Carts are only available under special circumstances and must be approved prior to delivery. Once approved, the available cart size is a 96-gallon.
Services for commercial trash and garbage will be provided at least one (1) time per week for customers that generate dry waste, and at least two (1) time per week for customers that generate putrescible waste (e.g. restaurants, grocery stores and other business that generate food wastes).
Please call (850) 606-1899 for commercial pricing.
If you have any questions about business waste collection, please call the Waste Pro Customer Service Center at (850) 606-1899. Business owners may also utilize the Waste Pro Trac-EZ contact form, located here. Trac-EZ will send the customer representative a smart phone message and he/she will promptly return your call and answer your questions.
For a complete guide on Leon County Commercial Collection, please click here. For Spanish, please click here.
Waste Pro is willing to design a recycling program to fit your needs. Please contact us at (850) 606-1899 for more information.
If you have any questions about commercial recycling, please call the Waste Pro Customer Service Center at (850)606-1899. Business owners may also utilize the Waste Pro Trac-EZ contact form, located here. Trac-EZ will send the customer representative a smart phone message and he/she will promptly return your call and answer your questions.
Open-top containers come in sizes of 20-, 30- and 40-cubic yards in size.
Services are provided Monday through Sunday.
Please call us at (850) 606-1899 with any questions concerning commercial services.
For information regarding household hazardous waste collection, please visit cms.leoncountyfl.gov.