Welcome, Residents

Waste Pro is a company dedicated to building exceptional resource ecosystems that protect the environment and sustain our communities. Our company was founded in 2001 with three key objectives: to deliver excellent service, maximize recycling and establish cost savings for our customers—and those principles continue to underpin our business today. We are one of the fastest-growing waste management companies in the southern United States with an established network of industry professionals who are able to design and deliver complete waste management services that work regardless of location or waste type. This means we are able to offer local expertise, conduct on-site training, and carry out specialized services.
New service day information effective April 1, 2020 – click here.
For inclement weather updates, click here.

Regular Pickup Schedule
- Residential garbage is collected twice per week – Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. See map. (effective April 1)
- Residential recycling is collected one time each week. See map. (effective April 1)
- Residential yard waste is collected one time each week, city-wide on Wednesdays.
- Residential bulk is collected on the second garbage collection day each week.
Please place your household garbage, recycling, yard waste, and bulk curbside before 7 a.m. on your scheduled collection day.
Hazardous Waste
Solid waste, or a combination of solid waste, which, because of quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly transported, disposed of, stored, treated, or otherwise managed. (Regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) pursuant to Chapter 62-730, Florida Administrative Code.)
Hazardous waste materials, such as paint, insecticides, motor oil, batteries, etc., are not collected and should be taken to the nearest hazardous waste drop-off site.
Residential bulk waste should be placed out on your second garbage collection day (Thursday or Friday).
Bulk items include refrigerators and freezers with doors removed, stoves, stereos, TVs, couches, chairs, mattresses, box springs, window A/C units, washers and dryers.
Doors of all large appliances must be removed prior to placing curbside.
Tires: When possible, leave old tires at your retailer when purchasing new tires. Up to four (4) tires per year will be collected. Place tires curbside on your regular garbage collection day.
Electronics Recycling
Computers and televisions are specifically targeted for recycling because of the high lead levels found in their cathode ray tubes (CRTs). CRTs are the video display components of televisions and computer monitors. Because they contain high levels of lead, cathode ray tubes in computers and televisions may pollute the environment if improperly disposed. Recycling, instead of landfilling, is the preferred method to handle e-scrap.
Electronic equipment from your home can be recycled. Examples of electronic equipment include: Computers, Televisions, VCRs, Fax machines, CD players, and Stereos.
You may bring these items to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility at the Volusia County Landfill. This free service is available to Volusia County residents.
For more information about disposing of electronic equipment, please contact Waste Pro at 407-774-0800 for additional information.
Residential Recycling
Recycling is collected one (1) time each week. Please have your recycle bins at curbside prior to 7 AM on your collection day.
The Big 4 Recyclable Items:
- Metal Cans – clean aluminum/steel soda and food cans
- Plastic Bottles & Jugs – clean plastic bottles numbered 1 through 5
- Paper – newspaper, white paper, junk mail, magazines & flyers
- Cardboard – food & packing boxes with no wax or plastic coatings, clean with no grease or food
Allowable Recyclable Materials
- All newspapers including inserts
- Aluminum, steel & steel/tin cans with or without labels, rinsed out with no food
- Plastics including PET & HDPE bottles
- Phone books, junk mail, postcards, flyers & magazines
- Cardboard boxes, flattened
- Plastic containers with recycling symbol 1 through 5
Do Not Recycle
- Windowpane glass or mirrors
- Glass containers
- Ceramic dishes & glassware
- Containers with liquid
- Electronics or appliances
- Plastic bags
- Toys or other household items
- Medical sharps (needles)
- Old garments & clothing
- Propane & helium tanks
- Styrofoam
- Batteries
- Pizza boxes
Please have all recycling bins curbside by 7 AM on your collection day. Limit of three (3) bins per household.
Commercial Recycling
Commercial recycling service for old cardboard containers is available directly through Waste Pro. Please call 386-424-1850 for more information.
Residential Collection
Please place your household garbage, yard trash and recycling curbside by 7 a.m.
Household trash: Each household is allowed up to two (2) 32-gallon containers, picked up two times each week.
Yard waste collection: One (1) day each week. Limited to two (2) cubic yards/week, no more than 10 bags.
Items such as tree limbs, tree trunks, palm fronds, etc. are to be cut in lengths no greater than 4’ and in a diameter less than 6”. Leaves, small branches, grass clippings and other small pieces of yard waste must be bagged or containerized for collection.
Note: Private tree contractors and landscape contractors are not allowed to place tree trimmings, trees or other yard waste removed by the contractor at the curb. Contractors are responsible for removing the yard waste they produce while servicing your property.
Collection of large quantities of yard waste requiring the use of a claw truck needs to be scheduled directly with Waste Pro by calling 386-424-1850. Extra charges will apply for large quantities of yard waste.
Commercial Collection
Commercial garbage collection can be set up by calling the City of New Smyrna Beach at 386-424-2207.
Commercial services are available Monday-Saturday.
Service is provided with up to three (3) 96-gallon toters, two times per week for small commercial waste generators, and with 2, 4, 6, or 8 cubic yard dumpsters serviced up to six times each week.
Roll-off compactors and open-top containers are also available in sizes ranging from 10 – 40 cubic yards.
Construction & Cleanups
Open-top roll-off containers come in 10, 20 and 30 cubic yard sizes for your construction and cleanup projects.
Services are provided Monday-Saturday.
Please call 386-424-1850 for more information.