2025 Holiday Schedule
Our office will be closed in observance of the Christmas holiday on Thursday December 25th, 2025. Customers will be serviced on their next service day.
For example, if Monday and Thursday are your service days, Thursday will not receive service, and your next service day will be Monday.
For all other holidays, there will be no service interruptions.
Welcome, Residents
Waste Pro is a company dedicated to building exceptional resource ecosystems that protect the environment and sustain our communities. Our company was founded in 2001 with three key objectives: to deliver excellent service, maximize recycling and establish cost savings for our customers—and those principles continue to underpin our business today. We are one of the fastest-growing waste management companies in the southern United States with an established network of industry professionals who are able to design and deliver complete waste management services that work regardless of location or waste type. This means we are able to offer local expertise, conduct on-site training, and carry out specialized services.
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Residential Garbage Collection Schedule
Boundries Are as Follows:
Monday / Thursday – Dykes Road to US Hwy 27 (including Holly Lake Mobile Home Park)
Tuesday / Friday – Palm Ave. West to Dykes Road
Wednesday / Saturday – Florida Turnpike West to Palm Ave. West
Residential Collection Rules
1. What do I put in my garbage cart and how often is it collected?
Household garbage should be bagged before placing in the cart. Bags will keep your cart clean and minimize odors. Do not put hot ashes or coals, recyclable items, household hazardous waste and medical waste in the garbage cart. Do not overfill the carts. The lids must remain closed to prevent littering, allow for automated collection and help to control odor and varmints. Residents are not allowed to reload the cart for additional service on their collection day. You should occasionally hose out your cart.
2. Is there a special service for disabled persons?
Please call the City of Pembroke Pines Public Services Department to request special service if you are disabled: 954-450-6900
3. How do I dispose of trash that doesn’t fit in my cart?
Solid waste too big, bulky or heavy to fit in the garbage cart is considered bulk trash and will be picked up separately by different equipment on your month bulk pickup day. Trash should be placed three feet away from your cart. See here for bulk collection information.
4. How do I dispose of bulky recyclables?
Place white goods (stoves, washers, refrigerators, other large appliances) at the curb on your regular scheduled bulk collection day. These items will be collected and recycled. Put appliances a minimum of 3 feet from the trash pile and three feet from your trash cart.
5. Where do I put my household recyclables?
Residents should continue to use the blue wheeled cart. No sorting of recyclables required.
6. When do I place my cart at curbside for pickup?
You should move the carts to the front curb the night before your collection day, no earlier than 6:00 PM, but no later than 6:00 AM on your collection day. Promptly remove your cart from the curb after collection.
7. Where do I place the cart on collection day?
Place the cart near or at the curb and at least three feet away from your mailbox, utility poles, trees, gas or water meters, fire hydrants, cars, sprinkler heads or anything collection equipment could damage. If you have a ditch, place the cart on the street side of the ditch if possible. Always place the cart at curb with wheels and handle towards your residence. When your cart is delivered, it will be placed at the best location for pickup. Do not leave the cart on the street where it may be stolen or damaged.
8. What if I don’t know my garbage or recycling collection day?
To find your garbage collection schedule, click here. To find your bulk pickup schedule, click here. You may also call the City of Pembroke Pines Public Services Department at 954-450-6900 or Waste Pro USA at 954-967-4200 for recycling, garbage or bulk pickup days.
9. May I continue to use my old cart or garbage can?
No. The roll-out carts provided by the City of Pembroke Pines are specifically designed to withstand the forces of mechanical gripper and vehicle-lifting arm. For this reason, the automated truck will pick up only the wheeled carts.
10. What happens if a family moves?
The carts belong to the City of Pembroke Pines and must remain at your former residence.
11. How often will garbage, recycling, and bulk items be collected?
Household garbage placed in the wheeled garbage carts will be picked up twice each week on your garbage collection days. Recycling is picked up once weekly. Bulk items are collection twice monthly on your scheduled bulk collection day.
12. What about parking on collection days?
Do not park at the curb on collection day. If a car is blocking the safe collection of your garbage by the automated equipment, then the driver will not pick up at that time. You will not receive collection service. In order to be serviced, all carts should be placed at least three feet from vehicles, trees, etc… as discussed previously. In those few locations where parking is an extreme problem, or where sidewalks are narrow, place carts on the driveway or next to the curb with the wheels against the curb, and park autos so as to accommodate the new system. When delivered, your wheeled cart will be placed in the correct position for collection.
13. What if my cart is stolen, damaged, or destroyed?
The wheeled cart is the property of the City of Pembroke Pines and must not be painted, abused, mutilated, altered or modified in any way. If the cart is damaged or stolen, the following policy applies: If the damage is your fault, you will be required to pay for a replacement. For example, any cart that is destroyed by hot ashes or coals shall be the responsibility of the customer, and it shall be replaced at the customer’s expense. If the collection contractor damages your cart it will be replaced at no charge.
14. What is the serial number stamped on my cart?
Each address has a cart “assigned” to it, indicated by the serial number stamped on your cart. This helps residents keep up with their cart, and helps the City of Pembroke Pines locate lost carts and return them to their proper home.
15. How do I dispose of household hazardous waste (HHW) such as paint and motor oil?
Do not place HHW (flammables, paint, poisons, motor oil, etc…) inside the cart. Contact the City of Pembroke Pines Public Services Department at 954-450-6900 or click here.
Please remember to place recycling cart at the curb the night before your collection day. Collection begins at 7 AM.
Residential Bulk Collection Schedule
Please click here to see more information on your residential bulk collection schedule.
Residential Bulk Collection Rules
Residential customers receive two bulk pick ups per month. Click here to see your bulk trash collection schedule, or call Waste Pro USA at 954-967-4200.
- Bulk items are household items such as couches, chairs, mattresses, tables, appliances, carpeting, tree limbs, lumber etc…
- Refrigerators, air conditioners, and appliances containing freon will be collected on monthly bulk pick up dates.
- All items for collection should be placed at the curb by 7:00 AM on the scheduled date of pick up.
- Tree trimmings and tree branches may be placed loose in the swale. Grass trimming should be bagged.
- Rugs, carpet, padding, fencing, and materials of this nature should be rolled.
- The number of bulk items is unlimited.
- Unacceptable items will not be moved in order to collection acceptable items.
- Bulk items of a disorderly or hazardous nature will not be collected.
- Do not place bulk items for collection next to mailbox, utility pole, or close to a fence.
- Any broken glass or tile must be placed in a box and taped closed to prevent injury to the workers picking up bulk items.
Materials Not Accepted for Disposal
The following are unacceptable for collection, due to health, regulatory and safety reasons and will not be picked up by the hauler. The owner is responsible for the legal disposal of these items:
- Construction, remodeling or demolition debris, including all concrete materials and bricks or brickwork
- Automobile bodies, engines, transmissions, batteries or other parts
- Horticultural materials from commercial lawn/yard service or commercial operations
- Oils, paints, insecticides, chemicals or other hazardous waste
If you have a question whether an item is acceptable, please call Waste Pro USA before placing it out for pick up at 954-967-4200 or the City of Pembroke Pines at 954-450-6900.
Residential Household Hazardous Waste
Please click here to view more information on disposal of residential household hazardous waste.
Commercial Collection
City of Pembroke Pines businesses are required to contact Waste Pro USA, Inc. at 954-967-4200 for complete information regarding your solid waste needs. Waste Pro is prepared to provide a Recycling Program for your business that fits your specific needs.
Roll-Off/Construction & Demolition
City of Pembroke Pines Industrial businesses and contractors are required to contact Waste Pro USA, Inc for open-top containers. Sizes range from 20, 30 and 40 CY. Size that is needed depends on the amount of materials being generated. We also provide compactors containers ranging from 20 CY’s, to 40 CY containers. Please contact us with your specific needs at 954-967-4200.
Services are provided Monday through Saturday.
Please call us at 954-967-4200 with any questions concerning billing or services.