2025 Holiday Schedule
Our office will be closed in observance of the Christmas holiday on Thursday December 25th, 2025. Customers will be serviced on their next service day.
For example, if Monday and Thursday are your service days, Thursday will not receive service, and your next service day will be Monday.
For all other holidays, there will be no service interruptions.
Welcome, Residents
Waste Pro is a company dedicated to building exceptional resource ecosystems that protect the environment and sustain our communities. Our company was founded in 2001 with three key objectives: to deliver excellent service, maximize recycling and establish cost savings for our customers—and those principles continue to underpin our business today. We are one of the fastest-growing waste management companies in the southern United States with an established network of industry professionals who are able to design and deliver complete waste management services that work regardless of location or waste type. This means we are able to offer local expertise, conduct on-site training, and carry out specialized services.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is my service going to change?
No, you will be serviced 2 times a week for garbage using the city provided green 96-gallon garbage cart. Please be sure to place the garbage cart at the curb prior to 7 am. Your recycling service does not change.
2. What happens if I can not fit all of my regular garbage inside the cart, can I put it on the side of the cart?
No, if you are not able to place all of your regular garbage inside the cart, then you must wait until your next regular garbage pickup and place it in the cart at that time.
You may also request an additional cart for a monthly charge of $14.82.
3. Is my service day going to change?
No, your service day will remain the same, but the time you are going to be serviced may change, so it is very important to have your garbage cart at the curb prior to 7am. Waste Pro will be servicing your area from 7 am to 6 pm.
4. What happens if I have a small amount of yard waste and bulk waste that is not enough to place out in a pile?
All small yard waste and bulk items such as, small branches, loose leaves, grass clippings etc, can be placed inside your green 96 gallon container on your regular garbage day.
5. What if I own a multifamily complex and I need residential totters?
Multifamily developments four (4) units or less to qualify for residential service. Note: Be sure to ask how many units because – five (5) or more units is considered commercial and/or they may have a separate dumpster service.
6. How do I get rid of my old garbage can?
You will have four options:
- Put it out for bulk collection pickup with a note stating “Throw Away”.
- For practical use, you can use it as part of collection bulk service to place your smaller items such as; small yard waste clippings, and small bulk items that can fit inside the garbage can.
- Put it inside of your new garbage cart for collection; or
- You can also leave it the curb with a note stating “Please recycle” and we will collect those containers for that purpose separately.
7. What can I recycle?
The recycle items that are currently collected as part of your recycling pickup will continue to be collected by Waste Pro. In other words, there is no change in the recycling collection program.
8. What if I have white good that need to be picked up?
White goods, such as refrigerators, ranges, water heater freezers and other items, will be picked up on your bulk service day.
9. I have a cleaned out a rental house and have a large pile outside. Can I have a truck pick it up?
Yes, we will have a supervisor review the pile. There may be a cost assessed, but the supervisor will contact you if there is one and when we can pick once we have an agreement to pick up the pile.(all services outside of the contract standards may have a cost assessed and a supervisor should check the pile prior to promising any service).
10. I have a dishwasher to be picked up, is that considered white goods? Do I need special service?
A dishwasher is considered trash and will be picked up on your bulk day.
11. I just moved in. What if I have a lot of boxes?
Place them at the curb next to the recycling bin. We will pick it up on your regular recycling service day. Please make sure that large cardboard boxes are cut in 3×3 section so that it can securely fit inside the collection vehicles.
12. I can’t roll this cart to the curb. Can you get it if I leave it at the side of my house?
Off-street service is possible, please contact the city at 954-602-Help they will review your request and once approved they will notify us and your service will be changed at that time.
13. What if the driver took my personal can and I want it replaced?
We will take all of your information and have a supervisor contact you within 24 hours.
14. My totter is dirty can you bring me a new one?
The totter can be hosed off and/or bleached.(the customer is responsible to maintain the totter for cleanliness).
15. I just received my totter, can I use them now?
No, the contract starts May 1st, 2011 and you will be able to start using the garbage cart on May 2nd, 2011. The current hauler’s last day of service will be April 30th, 2011.
16. I am doing construction in my house and put a toilet and sink outside can they be picked up?
Construction debris is not covered under residential service. We can provide you with a construction container.
17. I had 10 tires outside and they only picked up four (4), what am I to do with the rest?
We are only allowed to pick up 4 tires per home per month.
18. What if my garbage or bulk was missed?
It is Waste Pro’s policy that any missed collection calls received prior to 12PM will be collected on that day by 6PM. Calls received by Waste Pro after 12PM will be collected next day by 12PM. For a quicker response, all residents are urged to utilize the Waste Pro Web based tracking system at https://www.wasteprousa.com/locations/FL/miramar. It will instantly notify our field supervisors of all service related matters.
19. When can I expect to receive my new city provided garbage cart?
Delivery of all garbage carts will begin on April 11th and will run thru April 29th. If you did not receive your cart by April 29th please contact the city and your cart will be delivered within 24 hours.
20. What items can I put inside my garbage cart?
All of your house-hold generated waste, small yard waste clippings, your old garbage containers, and small house hold items. Please remember to make sure that the lids on your new garbage cart are placed with the lids closed for easy collection with the arrows facing towards the street.
21. What if I need an extra cart because I produce more garbage that one cart can hold?
You can request an additional cart for an additional monthly fee of $14.82. This additional fee would be a per cart fee.
22. How soon will I receive my recycling bins once I make a request.
Waste Pro will deliver one (1) blue recycling bin within 2 weeks of your initial request. There will be a charge of $5.32 for every additional bin after your first bin have has been delivered
Route Maps
See the map below for collection Route Maps for Garbage, Recycling and Bulk.

Residential Collections
Residential household garbage is collected two (2) times per week.
Residential household recycling is collected one (1) time per week.
Residential bulk and yard waste is collected one (1) time per month.
Please click here for a map of your service area.
Residential Garbage
- Please place all household trash in your city provided 96 gallon cart and place the cart at curbside on collection day.
- Place your 96-gallon trash cart for collection within five (5) feet of the street by 7:00am on the scheduled pick up day.
- Each 96-gallon garbage cart is equipped with a easy open and close lid and wheels for easy movement to the curb.
- All garbage items placed in the carts should not extend above the rim of the cart.
- Paper bags, cardboard boxes, recycling bins and oil drums cannot be used as garbage containers.
- Used oil, paints, insecticides, chemicals, automotive parts, batteries, tires, Medical waste including hypodermic needles and syringes and hazardous waste will not be collected. Click on the
- Household Hazardous Waste link for further disposal information.
- Please click here for a map of your service area.
If you experience a “missed pickup” on your collection day, or have any questions please call the Customer Service Center at (954) 602-HELP(4357) or 954-967-4200 .
Residential Recycling
Household recycling is collected one (1) time per week. Please click here for a map of your service area.
To avoid interruption with your curbside collection service, the following rules should apply:
- Residents who wish to begin the recycle program can order a recycle bin. Contact City of Miramar 954-602-HELP (4357) or Waste Pro at 954-967-4200.
- The City of Miramar provides at-home delivery service of recycle bins and delivery takes approximately 4-6 weeks. Residents are entitled to one recycle bin, and one replacement bin free of charge. To purchase additional bins contact Waste Pro at 954-967-4200.
- Place recyclable bin(s) within five (5) feet of the street by 7 a.m. on the scheduled pick up day.
- All recyclable items can be commingled in the recycle bin.
- All corrugated cardboard must be broken down, folded or cut the same size as an unfolded newspaper.
- Newspapers must be placed in a paper or plastic bag to prevent contamination and then put in a recycle bin.
- Do not put any items in the recycle bin that are not specified as part of the recycling program, otherwise the bin will not be collected.
- If you experience a “missed pickup” on your collection day, or have any questions please call the Customer Service Center at (954) 602-HELP (4357) or Waste Pro at 954-967-4200.

Residential Bulk & Yard Waste
All Yard Waste items will be collected on the same collections schedule as your current Bulk Trash service.
To avoid interruption with your curbside collection service, the following rules should apply:
- Bulk trash and yard waste service will be picked up twelve (12) times per year, once every month on your scheduled collection day. Residents, who have a bulk trash and yard waste pick-up schedule in the fourth (4th) week of the month, please note this may not necessarily be the last week of the month since some months may contain five (5) weeks.
- Bulk and yard waste items include household goods such as couches, chairs, mattresses, tables, appliances (white goods), carpet and padding. It also includes unbundled yard waste such as tree trimmings, branches, palm fronds no longer than six (6) feet in length, large tree trunks must be cut into half or quarter pieces depending on size not to exceed thirty (30) pounds, lumber, fencing and metal poles.
- Place all items for collection within (5) feet of the street by 7:00 am on the scheduled pick-up day to ensure pick-up.
- Bulk items must be placed curbside in a neat and orderly manner.
- Do not place bulk items for collection next to a mailbox, utility pole or close to a fence.
- Bulk waste and yard waste materials must be generated by the customer at the residential unit where the bulk is collected. Commercial materials (such as roofing material, tile, concrete, bricks, stones, etc.) will not be removed.
- Bulk waste and yard waste will not be collected if it is generated by anyone other than the resident of the home.
- Construction materials (roofing material, tile, concrete, bricks, stones, etc.), automotive parts, engines, transmissions, batteries, tires, used oil, paint, insecticides, chemicals and hazardous waste will not be collected.
- Bulk items and yard waste may be placed at the curb for collection no more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled collection day.
- Do not place items in front of a vacant lot or home, they will not be collected.
- If you experience a “missed pick-up” on your collection day, or have any questions please call the Customer Service Center at (954) 602-HELP(4357) or Waste Pro at 954-967-4200.
- For disposal of refrigerators, the compressor (which contains hazardous waste materials) located at the rear of the unit and all doors, must be removed for safety prior to pick-up. Household appliances containing freon gas (air conditioning units, refrigerators) will be picked up at normal bulk pick-up times, at no charge to the resident, only if the unit is certified and documented to have been professionally purged of freon gas. Units not certified and documented as being purged of freon gas will be picked up for a charge of $25 to the resident. Waste Pro is charged a $25 disposal fee, by Federal law, for units not purged of freon gas.
- Residents who missed their allocated bulk pick-up date and would like a special pick-up scheduled, may have a pick-up charge. For rate information, you may contact Waste Pro at (954) 967-4200
- Please click here for a map of your service area.
Commercial Collection
- Commercial Recycling: Waste Pro is willing to design a recycling program to fit your needs. Please contact us at 954-967-4200.
- Commercial Solid Waste Collection: Services for commercial trash and garbage will be provided no less than two (2) times per week.
- Compactor service shall be no less than one (1) time per week.
- Services are provided seven days per week.
- Waste will be collected in carts, mechanical dumpsters, open tops or compactors.
Carts: Are available in 96-gallon size.
Mechanical Dumpsters: Are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8-cubic yards in size.
Compactors and Open Tops: Come in sizes ranging from 17-40 cubic yards.
Commercial Recycling
Waste Pro will also be offering all commercial businesses wishing to recycle an opportunity to do so. As a licensed Recovered Material hauler by the city of Miramar, Waste Pro can collect the following materials:
- Glass Containers
- Newsprint
- Aluminum
- Steel/Metal
- Office papers
- Catalogs/Magazines
- Plastics
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Junk Mail
- Books
- Cartons
- Assorted Boxes
Construction & Cleanups
Open-top containers come in sizes of 20-, 30- and 40-cubic yards in size.
Services are provided Monday through Sunday.
Please call us at 954-967-4200 with any questions concerning commercial services.
Household Hazardous Waste
See Broward County recycling procedures:
For Hazardous Waste click here.
For Electronics click here.
For Broward County Waste and Recycling Services click here.