2025 Holiday Schedule
New Years
New Years Day 2025
Casselberry: Recycle-only service will occur on January 1st, 2024, and yard waste service will resume on Wednesday, January 8th,2025.
Deltona: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday services will roll to the following day. Friday residents will be serviced on Saturday 1/4/25.
Lake Mary: No service interruption
Longwood: Recycle-only service will resume on January 1st, 2024, and yard waste service will resume on Wednesday, January 8th,2025.
Oviedo: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday services will be on a one day delay. Friday residents will be serviced on Saturday, January 4th, 2025.
Sanford: No service on January 1st, services will resume on you next scheduled collection days.
Unincorporated Seminole County: No service on January 1st. There will be a makeup Recycle Only day on January 4, 2025, for those who have recycling on Wednesdays.
Winter Springs: Recycle-only service will occur on January 1st, 2024, and yard waste service will resume on Wednesday, January 8th,2025.
Thank you for being the best part of Waste Pro and Happy Holidays!
Please place your household garbage, yard trash and bulk curbside by 6 a.m.
- Household garbage is collected one (1) time per week.
- Residential yard waste is collected one (1) time per week.
- Bulk and extra bags are collected one (1) time per week.
Garbage Bins should not be at the curb earlier than 6 PM the day before collection day. After collection, bins must be removed from the front yard no later than 9 PM on collection day. Do not place bins within three feet of objects such as mailboxes, parked vehicles, fire hydrants, trees, poles or other bins. All garbage and yard waste bins must be kept away from the front of any building or premises when it is not collection day.
Please do not mix yard waste with your household waste. Minor construction or demolition debris, such as fencing, floor tiles, etc. are included in collection service. Residents may call Waste Pro for a price quote on collection of excessive amounts. Fees will apply.
Please contact 386-574-0723 for additional information.
Solid waste, or a combination of solid waste, which, because of quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly transported, disposed of, stored, treated, or otherwise managed. (Regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) pursuant to Chapter 62-730, Florida Administrative Code.)
Hazardous waste materials, such as paint, insecticides, motor oil, batteries, etc., are not collected and should be taken to the nearest hazardous waste drop-off site. Please call Volusia County Solid Waste for more information.
Unfortunately, there is no electronics recycling program at this time.
Service Notice:
Effective February 1, 2019 the City of Deltona will temporarily suspend weekly residential recycling collection. The primary factor for this change is the decreased market demand for raw recyclable materials, such as plastic, glass, and paper. These materials are no longer being purchased by processing countries, such as China and others. All materials set curbside for recycling will be taken to the Volusia County landfill. Please note, residential recycling bins are the property of Waste Pro. However, at this time, we are asking residents to keep them, as the City of Deltona is carefully watching the marketplace and hope the program can be revived in the future.
Waste Pro is willing to design a recycling program to fit your needs. Please contact us at 386-788-8890 for more information.
Please place your household garbage, bulk and yard trash curbside by 6 a.m.
For qualifying residents, who are physically unable to place containers curbside, you must contact the City of Deltona at 386-878-8100 to request side door service.
This includes food scraps, packaging, clothes, small appliances and other non-recyclables. Waste Pro will pick up outside garbage cans, toters, and/or customer provided bins. All garbage must be bagged and placed inside the bin. For curbside collection, place the bin(s) within five feet of the curb with the wheels facing towards the house, lid opening facing the street, if using a toter-like can.
This includes grass, leaves, shrubs and tree trimmings only. Each residential property is entitled to place up to fifteen bags, cans or tied bundles, per residence. The bags and/or bundles of limbs may be placed in 32, 64, or 96- gallon bin(s). Waste Pro bins may also be used for yard waste. Palm fronds may be neatly stacked and are required to be bundled (no piles will be picked up). Limbs should not exceed five feet in length, six inches in diameter or fifty pounds.
Residents can now set out their bulky items on their garbage day. Bulky items are items that are too big to fit in the garbage bin, such as a couch, chair, table, or other large pieces of furniture. For excessive amounts of bulk trash, such as a “move-out” pile or construction debris, residents must call Waste Pro for a price quote for the removal. Fees may apply.
For appliances and tire pick-ups, please call 386-574-0723 for service. Residents are allowed up to 8 tires per year (under 25.5 in size).
Services for commercial trash and garbage will be provided at least one (1) time per week for customers that generate dry waste, and at least two (2) times per week for customers that generate putrescible waste (e.g. restaurants).
Services are provided seven days per week.
Waste will be collected in carts, mechanical dumpsters, open tops or compactors. Carts are available in 96-gallon size. Mechanical dumpsters are 2-, 4-, 6- or 8-cubic yards in size.
Compactors and open tops come in sizes ranging from 17-40 cubic yards.
Please call us at 386-788-8890 with any questions concerning billing or services.