For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Joy Kurtz
Corporate Communications Manager
Waste Pro helps Find Lost Family Heirloom
CAPE CORAL, FL – April 13, 2023 – A Cape Coral bride saw the value of community when her local waste collector came to the rescue assisting in finding her lost ’something blue’. Brittany Thompson’s father surprised her with her grandmother’s precious sapphire bracelet on the morning of her wedding day. It was to be her something blue.

The wedding was perfect. The reception that followed was filled with family, friends, and lots of photos. At the end of the evening, Brittany looked down at her wrist and panicked when she noticed the bracelet was missing. She began calling friends asking for photos in the hopes to piece together when it might have fallen off her wrist. The photo review helped her determine she lost it near the hay and floral covered photo-op area.
After a restless night, she arrived back at the venue to begin sifting through the packed-up props and bagged waste. Waste Pro commercial driver Jeff arrived and performed the routine collection services. Hearing the collection vehicle, Brittany flagged down Jeff and explained the situation. Unfortunately, the bagged waste from the reception was now located inside the truck. Jeff sprang into action, calling Anthony, his supervisor, and was able to take the truck to a safe location to dump the full load.
Jeff safely dumped the waste from the collection vehicle. Anthony, Brittany, and her new husband Brandon began the search – ripping through bag after bag hoping to find the precious family heirloom. After thirty minutes of searching, the bracelet was found in a bag filled with hay, flowers, and other trash.

“So many emotions were racing through me as I ripped into each bag of trash. I was praying we would find it but didn’t think we really would. It’s a miracle we found it! I can’t thank Anthony and Jeff from Waste Pro enough. Without them, my grandmother’s bracelet would have maybe been lost forever,” said Brittany.
Anthony shared, “Helping people is something we do at Waste Pro. We are thrilled to be part of the story with such a happy ending. We found the proverbial needle in the haystack or in this case, the bracelet in the garbage truck.”
About Waste Pro USA
Waste Pro USA, Inc. is one of the country’s fastest-growing privately-owned waste collection, recycling, processing, and disposal companies, operating in ten southeastern states. Waste Pro, with revenues projected to exceed $1.1 billion in 2023, serves more than two million residential and 100,000 commercial customers from over 90 operating locations. Waste Pro is headquartered in Longwood, Florida, and maintains approximately 300 exclusive municipal contracts and franchises.