2025 Holiday Schedule
In observance of these holidays, Waste Pro will not be collecting solid waste and recycling.
- New Year’s Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
For the remainder of the week, service will occur the next day.
- Monday moves to Tuesday
- Tuesday moves to Wednesday
- Wednesday moves to Thursday
- Thursday moves to Friday
- Friday moves to Saturday
For all other holidays, there will be no service interruptions.

Waste Pro is a company dedicated to building exceptional resource ecosystems that protect the environment and sustain our communities. Our company was founded in 2001 with three key objectives: to deliver excellent service, maximize recycling and establish cost savings for our customers—and those principles continue to underpin our business today. We are one of the fastest-growing waste management companies in the southern United States with an established network of industry professionals who are able to design and deliver complete waste management services that work regardless of location or waste type. This means we are able to offer local expertise, conduct on-site training, and carry out specialized services.
Residential household garbage is collected one time per week.
Please click here for a street listing per service day.
All single-family residents will receive a 96-gallon green garbage cart with a blue lid, which will be serviced one time per week. Please place all household garbage in your cart and place it curbside on collection day. Other guidelines to follow:
- Place your green garbage cart for collection adjacent to, but not in, the street by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled pickup days. It is important to always have the cart facing the street (i.e. the handles are located on the cart side closest to your residence).
- Each 96-gallon garbage cart is equipped with an easy open-and-close lid and wheels for easy movement to the curb.
- All garbage items placed in the carts should not extend above the rim.
- Paper bags, cardboard boxes, recycle bins and oil drums cannot be used as garbage containers. You must use the cart.
- Used oil, paints, insecticides, chemicals, automotive parts, batteries, tires, medical waste including hypodermic needles and syringes, and hazardous waste will not be collected.
If you experience a “missed pickup” on your collection day, or have any questions, please report a problem through TracEz. You will be able to follow/monitor the progress of your request online through TracEZ.
The following items may be recycled:
- Aluminum, steel and tin cans including soda cans, foil casserole pans and pie plates.
- Plastic bottles including milk jugs, water, soda, shampoo, soap and laundry detergent bottles.
- Newspapers, broken down cardboard boxes that will fit in the cart, brown paper bags, telephone books, magazines and other miscellaneous residential paper.
Items should be rinsed and placed loose inside of your bin. We are unable to accept tires, aerosol cans, styrofoam, hoses and glass.
If your recycling is not in compliance, it will not be picked up. The Waste Pro driver will place a tag on your front door informing you of the specific reason(s) for the rejection.
Please click here for a street listing per service day.
For a full list of recyclable and non-recyclable items, please click here.

Your yard waste is scheduled for pick up on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.
- All items shall be placed adjacent to, but not in, the street by 7:00AM on the scheduled pick up day.
- Leaves and small brush MUST be bagged not exceeding 50 pounds per bag; limbs must not exceed 4 feet in length. Total area of pickup must not exceed 5ft x 5ft x 5ft.
If your yard waste is not in compliance, it will not be picked up. The Waste Pro driver will place a tag on your front door informing you of the specific reason(s) for the rejection.
Your bulk items are collected the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.
Please have items curbside by 7:00AM. Each home is limited to 4 items per pickup not to exceed 200 pounds.
Commercial garbage is collected once per week.
All commercial collection customers will receive a 96-gallon green garbage cart with a blue lid, which will be serviced one time per week. Please place all commercial garbage in your cart and place it curbside on collection day. Other guidelines to follow:
- Place your green garbage cart for collection adjacent to, but not in, the street by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled pickup days. It is important to always have the cart facing the street (i.e. the handles are facing your business).
- Each 96-gallon garbage cart is equipped with an easy open-and-close lid and wheels for easy movement to the curb.
- All garbage items placed in the carts should not extend above the rim.
- Paper bags, cardboard boxes, recycle bins, and oil drums cannot be used as garbage containers. You must use the cart.
- Used oil, paints, insecticides, chemicals, automotive parts, batteries, tires, medical waste including hypodermic needles and syringes, and hazardous waste will not be collected.
If you experience a “missed pickup” on your collection day, or have any questions, please report a problem through TracEz. You will be able to follow/monitor the progress of your request online through TracEZ.

The following items may be recycled:
- Aluminum, steel, and tin cans including soda cans, foil casserole pans, and pie plates.
- Plastic bottles including milk jugs, as well as water, soda, shampoo, soap, and laundry detergent bottles.
- Newspapers, broken down cardboard boxes that will fit in the cart, brown paper bags, telephone books, magazines, and other miscellaneous residential paper.
- Items should be rinsed and placed loose inside of your bin. We are unable to accept tires, aerosol cans, styrofoam, hoses, and glass.
If your recycling is not in compliance, it will not be picked up. The Waste Pro driver will place a tag on your front door informing you of the specific reason(s) for the rejection.
For a full list of recyclable and non-recyclable items, please click here.